Our Team

Debrah Lee

Ph.D, FNP, ACNP-BC, CEO and Managing Editor

As you may have guessed from all those letters after my name, I love to learn and have a passion for being an advocate for my patients. I am a Family and an Acute Care Nurse Practitioner who regularly works for palliative care and critical care services. I also teach advanced clinical courses to graduate students at the University of Michigan School of Nursing. My lifelong passion for helping patients, including educating patients and their families on their diagnosis, led me to Inspyre Health.

I am here to review the patient resources we produce and offer my research and nursing expertise during the writing process. These resources are truly important as patients and caregivers who are informed about their diagnosis typically have better outcomes. I see it as just another way to help patients.

While working with patients is incredibly rewarding, it can also be stressful. To keep my life in balance, I enjoy gardening, traveling to new places, and watching as many sunsets as I can. I am also fortunate to have the support of my two wonderful sons and a loving family.

Jim Edwards


Coming from a long heritage of publishing, 127 years and four generations to be exact, I have a reverence and love of content and the power that it has to educate and transform our lives. In my early years working on a printing press, I was always amazed at how ideas turned into books and eventually found readers. The publishing process was magical to me and I wanted to look under the hood and figure it out myself. On that journey, I discovered that my great grandfather published thousands of different books, starting when he was in law school at the University of Michigan where he invented the concept of course notes. My grandfather found his place in publishing starting just before the beginning of World War II where he figured out how to acquire vast amounts of content from Germany, find an audience for that content and deliver what they needed. Publishing today is vastly different in delivery and form than it was then, but the basic concepts haven’t changed at all: find readers and give them content that they need and transform their lives.

Our modern publishing program delivers digital and printed content to our readers, most of whom are facing a chronic disease. We have helped patients and families dealing with prostate cancer, heart health, diabetes, various forms of cancer as well as much smaller disease states such as hypoparathyroidism, Gaucher Disease, Hunter Syndrome and many others. Serving patients and making a difference in their lives is what drives us to find the most impactful subjects and deliver expert content, over and over… and change their lives.

Robin Porter

Content Manager and Author

I’ve always loved reading and writing. Yep, I was one of those kids whose nose was often stuck in a book. But, I’m also very social. That odd combination led to a long career in Corporate Communications, during which I wrote a wide variety of materials, from annual reports and marketing materials, to press releases and speeches. With the birth of my son and aging parents who needed my help, I applied my skills to a stint in freelance writing, and eventually found my way to Inspyre Health. Now, in addition to reading books, I get to write them! I’ve authored and co-authored more than 10 books, including two corporate histories and eight patient/caregiver resources.

Besides books, I love music, gardening, traveling, my wonderful husband and son, and my loyal dog and cat – not necessarily in that order!

Liz Sherman

Office Manager

I love a challenge, which makes managing an office and keeping everyone organized right up my alley. I’m also a born problem-solver, so nothing makes me feel better than instituting changes that make life easier for my co-workers, as well as other people in my life.

Speaking of other people in my life, I’m a proud mother of four beautiful children and a stepmom to two lovely daughters. I’m also overjoyed to be the “Gramme” of three energetic and delightful granddaughters! Being a stay-at-home mom for many years taught me how to be an expert multi-tasker, which has served me well in my professional life. In fact, it’s the best “on-the-job-training” in the world.

In addition to spending time with my family (and solving everyone’s problems!), I love traveling, especially taking cruises with my husband. I share a house with two crazy cats and everyone who knows me will tell you I’m a big believer in positivity – “You cannot have a positive life and negative mind.”

Remington "Remi" Edwards

Spirit Coordinator

Remi left his original pack in February 2017 to join our creative team, where he plays several important roles. In addition to overseeing operations, Remi reduces stress and maintains an upbeat atmosphere with his perpetually positive attitude and 200 pounds of affection! After all, who can be stressed out when giving a belly rub? He enjoys chewing on sticks, chasing geese, taking long naps and playing with his squeaky cow.

Neil Lobocki

Senior Graphics Designer

Neil makes it all look easy. With 19 years of print production and graphic design experience under his belt, he brings zeal and dedication to our team. He is a firm believer in a clean and structured design approach. Neil is also always up to date on the newest technology and gadgets, and is fascinated by how our lives are adapting to these technologies. Albeit, he is worried about Skynet.

Away from the office, Neil enjoys the outdoors, staying active, going camping and fishing with his 9-year-old daughter and 2-year-old border/aussie, and is a card-carrying member of the PDGA. That’s the Professional Disc Golf Association for all of you unawares. Neil also loves reading about science, mainly the computer and space variety, and is kept up at night wondering what happens to matter in the center of a black hole.