Remi’s Rebarks – Wanted: Emails that Don’t Stink

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Remi’s Rebarks – Wanted: Emails that Don’t Stink

As you know, dogs have a great sense of smell. In fact, we interpret the world around us predominantly by smell. While humans have about 5 million scent glands, we dogs have 125-300 million, depending on breed. Not to brag, but that means our sense of smell is 1,000 to 10,000,000 times better than humans! (Okay, I guess that is kinda braggy.)

So, obviously, we’re experts at knowing what stinks and what’s enticing. And since I work for a marketing agency, I can expand this heightened ability to include tactics like email marketing.

First Things First…Is Email Marketing Dead?

This annoying question is more persistent than a squirrel trying to get inside a birdfeeder! Sure, there are a lot of emails and inboxes are cluttered. But, as a dog, I can smell something dead from a mile off, and I definitely don’t pick up that scent when it comes to email marketing. In fact, studies show that email continues to be the most effective messaging channel. Check out these impressive email marketing stats:

  • Email generates $38 for every $1 spent—that’s 3,800% ROI! (EmailMonday)
  • 92% of B2B marketers use email to distribute content. (CMI-2018 Trends)
  • 40% of B2B marketers say emails are most critical to their content marketing success. (CMI-2018 Trends)
  • 73% of millennials prefer communications from businesses come via email. (Adestra)
  • 80% of business professionals believe that email marketing increases customer retention. (Wordstream)
  • I now weigh in at 200 pounds! (Remi)

(Oops, that last stat was unrelated, but still quite impressive.)

Honestly, I could list at least 20 more stats that debunk the myth that email marketing is dead, but you get the idea.

Email Marketing Best Practices

Of course, all email marketing is not created equal. Let’s be honest: a lot of emails do stink (not as bad as dead skunk, but close). So, how do you make your emails less offensive and more enticing? I’ve herded the team here at Spry Ideas together and compiled a list of email marketing best practices, which include:

  1. Make the subject line personal and compelling. Do you know what my favorite word is? Bacon. But, my second favorite word is “Remi.” I love hearing my name, and guess what, everybody likes hearing or seeing their name. It makes us feel special. So, if you have someone’s name, use it—either in the subject line or the opening.
  2. Make sure the content is something they’re interested in. If you send me an email about what makes cats special, I will NOT open it! Nope, just not interested. However, I’d be very curious about an email offering free dog biscuits. The more you know about your audience, the more targeted you can be with your subject matter. Develop detailed buyer personas. Find out what problems your buyers have and provide solutions. Learn what makes them tick and cater to those interests. It’s not always easy, but it’s effective.
  3. Include a clear call-to-action. We’re all busy, whether it’s work and family obligations, or rawhide chewing and house patrol. People don’t want to search through pages or even paragraphs of information only to be confused about what to do. What are you asking—to read more, sign up, buy a product or join a club? Make the CTA simple. Personally, I like clear, direct commands like sit, stay and come. (If I get confused, I usually run off in the opposite direction!)
  4. Keep content short and sweet. Like I said, we’re all busy and most people seem overwhelmed with the amount of information they receive every day. So, chances are slim that your audience is willing to wade through lots of content. Email marketing best practices say keep your emails concise and to the point. If you have a lot of scintillating information to share or wisdom to impart, then include a link to a blog or landing page on your website.
  5. Test every email. You’re busy and you’re human, which means mistakes are going to happen. You might forget a simple symbol at the start or the end, so it ends up saying “Dear First Name” instead of addressing the recipient by their actual name. That’s not gonna go over very well and will probably result in an instant delete. Also check for broken links, poor formatting and basic grammar and spelling. Send a test to yourself, a co-worker or your best pal (assuming your best pal can read).
  6. Make the most of automation. Today’s marketing automation platforms can help you personalize and target emails like never before. And, stats show that marketers who use segmented campaigns note as much as 760% increase in revenue. (Campaign Monitor, 2019). Just be sure you’re using these tools correctly.

Follow these email marketing best practices and you’ll be driving traffic, generating leads and nurturing buyers like a pro!

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